You are invited to join a committee...
The Chamber is looking for volunteers for our committees. Below is a short description of each. If you, or someone from your company, is interested please email the Chamber. or call 574.936.2323
Ambassador's & Membership Committee
Focus: Reach out to Chamber members, seek new members, attend ribbon cuttings, attend "Business After Hours" events, and promotes the Chamber. This committee meets at 12:00 p.m. on the first Thursday of each month at the Chamber office.
Education & Conferences
Focus: To provide the very best in education seminars, leadership conferences, and Lunch & Learn classes for the members with a topics relevant to business. The Plymouth Chamber hosts the live simulcasts of the dynamic leadership conferences Leadercast LIVE, held in May and Leadercast Women in October. The Plymouth Chamber also offers Financial Wellness Classes to member employees. Our Plymouth members Centier Bank and1st Source Bank can provide programs tailor made for the business's schedules and employees at no cost. Also offered is Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University Class held at the Plymouth Chamber office twice a year. The cost for this class is $84.00 to cover class materials and sponsored by First Federal Savings Bank.
Legislative Committee
Focus: This committee focuses on State & Federal legislation that affects businesses. The committee gathers information and passes it onto the membership.